Fulfillment Begins in Europe, ROW
2 months ago
– Fri, Dec 13, 2024 at 07:58:32 AM
Hi friends,
After several painful delays, fulfillment for the Europe and the rest of the world (essentially everyone outside of North America and Australia) has begun. Some of you may have already received tracking information!
I apologize again for how this has dragged out. Some of the delays were our own making, and others occurred despite my essentially begging and pleading our partners to start shipping things out. I learn something from every project and while I am generally happy with how this turned out, the delays are something I hope to avoid in the future.
This process will take a few weeks to play out, although some of you in the UK may have your books in hand within a day or two. If you haven't received anything within a few weeks please reach out to our fulfillment partners at the link below:
Thank you again for your patience and support, I look forward to seeing those packages come rolling in!
Fulfillment Update: NA and EU
3 months ago
– Tue, Nov 26, 2024 at 01:38:16 PM
Hi friends,
We've got a lot of good news and a little frustrating news, so i'll get right into it. North American fulfillment is almost complete, with nearly all packages going out this week. The same is true for Australia, which has finished fulfilling by now. The bad news is that somewhere along the way, the dice sets for Festival of Tombs backers outside of Australia and North America have disappeared. I'll explain more below, but the long story short is that we'll ship everything else now and send out the dice separately when we get replacements made.
North America
It's all good news here, as all shipments bound for the U.S. and Canada are in the mail barring a few holdouts. Please check your Kickstarter messages, as a handful of you have a message waiting from me attempting to confirm your address. Every campaign, we'll have a few addresses that won't show up in our fulfillment partner's database and we'll have to double check those manually to be sure. I expect most packages to arrive within a week or so, if not sooner.
Australian fulfillment wrapped up a few weeks ago, and we've had zero reported issues so far. If you are in Australia or New Zealand and haven't received anything, contact me directly.
Rest of the World
Fulfillment is set to begin for the rest of the world, with one issue. Despite confirmation of delivery and receipt, our fulfillment partner is unable to locate any of the dice sets. Despite our best efforts, these seem to have disappeared. This is obviously frustrating for all involved, but I don't want it to hold up the fulifllment process any further. We're going to go ahead and ship everything else starting in the next day or two.
that means for those of you who backed the dice, we'll have to ship those later. They'll still need to be manufactured, so the delivery date for those is likely to be In January. I'll give more information when I have it.
Foundry Module is here + Fulfillment Update!
3 months ago
– Thu, Nov 14, 2024 at 11:50:38 AM
Exciting news for Foundry Module backers - you'll be getting an email from BackerKit shortly with the codes needed to active the Festival of Tombs Foundry VTT module. This module has had some love poured into it and it is very smooth and easy to use. If you are a veteran Foundry user I think you're going to love this, and I'm definitely looking for feedback. Thanks for your patience; while I had hoped to have this done sooner I think the quality of the product is going to impress.
You can read more on how to activate premium content on Foundry here. If you didn't pick it up during the Kickstarter, we'll have it available for sale at DriveThruRPG soon.
Note to Backers of the Grizelda's Guide to Ghost Hunting Hardcover
I mentioned this quite a while ago, but just a friendly reminder that if you backed the hardcover version of Grizelda's Guide to Ghost Hunting and live somewhere other than North America, that book will be shipping separately. That means don't be alarmed if it is not with your Festival of Tombs rewards. For backers in Europe, there is a decent chance it may arrive before or around the same time as the rest of the physical rewards. I'm hoping those books go out either today or tomorrow from our U.S. warehouse.
Fulfillment Update
Fulfillment is still moving along, although definitely slower than I had hoped. First, the good news. Australia (yes, Australia) is just wrapping up fulfillment with most of the books already delivered. Enjoy being first this time, mates!
For U.S. and Canadian backers, we've had a number of delays including weather and port congestion that ultimately added weeks to the process. We're also behind a few other projects which were shipped out before us. I believe everything is in place now and expect to update you next week with news that things are shipping out.
For the rest of the world, apparently a mix-up at our fulfillment partner left our project manager going on leave and no one picking up the slack, which has cost of a few weeks. While frustrating, they are on top of things now and I'm hoping packages start going out next week too. I expect to give another update for all outstanding shipments next week.
Thank you again, and I expect to do another update next week.
October Fulfillment Update
4 months ago
– Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 09:24:59 AM
Happy fulfilment season everyone! We've got good news all around, so I'll just break it all down by region.
Shockingly, Australia and New Zealand are going to be first up for physical fulfillment! This is certainly a first for us, but since the freight was small enough to make air freight feasible, the books arrived very quickly. We've paid the invoice today, and our partners in Australia are starting fulfillment now.
North America
We're on the verge of fulfillment in North America, which has definitely had the roughest journey so far. Weather slowed boat containing our books, and then there were additional delays getting them from the port in New York to our shipping partner in Baltimore. However, the books have arrived and are being processed as of last Thursday. We did have a portion of our shipment of journals go missing, which means we're waiting on a second batch to arrive. They should be hear within a week, and assuming all is well with the hardcovers I'm hopeful we'll start fulfilling to North America next week.
Rest of World
The rest of the world is being serviced by our fulfillment partner in the UK. They have received and categorized all of our product, and we've sent them the backer information today. There may be projects in front of us, but fulfillment is set to begin any day now. I'll send another update when they confirm packages are going out.
The Foundry VTT Module is Finished
I've received the Foundry VTT module today, and it looks amazing. We're waiting for approval from the Foundry System after uploading the module. Assuming everything is fine, this shouldn't take more than a few days. Once it is uploaded and approved, we well obtain the product keys from Foundry and distribute those to you via BackerKit. You will get an email directly from BackerKit when this occurs.
Thank You Again!
Thank you once again for your support and your patience. Despite some delays, I'm glad we took the extra time to polish things up and clear some minor errors. This has also been a good lesson in my optimistic deadlines, which I'll have to reconsider in the future.
Randall is hard at work on the sequel, and I'm going over quotes from manufacturers on some cool options for the boxed set, including cardboard and acrylic standees. Our goal is offer an experience that really is as simple as opening up the box and adventuring on your own, which everything you need included. I look forward to sharing more soon.
September Fulfillment Update
5 months ago
– Thu, Sep 26, 2024 at 03:13:46 PM
Hi friends!
We've got news about fulfillment, and all of it is exciting. We'll get into the updates about the print copies as well as our VTT module! At the end, we've also got a nugget of news about the sequel. (Spoiler: it's happening. ) Let's dive in.
Physical Book Fulfillment
Everything continues to move towards our fulfillment centers, so I'll break down where we are based on region.
Australia / New Zealand Backers
Fulfilling these orders has been a bit of an adventure for me. As opposed to our printer arranging freight to the fulfillment partner, I've had to do this on my own. We took this approach because it would mean substantial shipping savings compared to our prior projects, which was one of my major concerns this time around. I learned many lessons (most the hard way) about arranging for freight from Lithuania to Australia, but happily things are not only moving, they're coming along faster than expected.
Because of the relatively small number of backers, we were able to air freight the books, which should arrive sometime next week. The dice have already arrived, which means we're just waiting on the player journals and tracking cards which are currently being printed. If everything goes smoothly, we may have all of the physical rewards in place by the end of next week. I have not worked with this fulfillment partner before, but I don't expect much of a delay between receiving the material and shipping it out.
North America
North American backers are being handled by our partners in Maryland, but the shipment from Lithuania is still on the ocean. Unfortunately, I don't have more information than that although I hope to have a timeline for its arrival soon. The good news is that the dice have arrived, and the softcover journal and tracking cards will be there at the start of this coming week. Once the shipment arrives and is sorted, we'll start fulfilling!
Rest of the World
Everyone else is being serviced by our partners in the UK. Early this week, they confirmed receipt of the shipment from our printers, meaning the Hardcover books and map books are in place. Like Australia, we're just waiting on the tracking cards and journals, which I expect to be ready to fulfill within the next two weeks. I'll have another update once these start to ship.
VTT Updates
work continues on the Foundry VTT module, which I had honestly hoped to have finished by now. We're working with a third party on this who is excellent at these conversions, but we've learned that there is a lot that goes into these choose-your-own-path stories that are not an issue with traditional books. I hope to have this finalized soon, and expect we'll probably have this ready to go by the time the books start shipping in North America.
Here are a few screenshots to show what we're working on:
What About a Sequel?
We're still in the early stages, but I did want to confirm that Randall Right is on board for the sequel and has already started working on the manuscript. It will be playable as a follow-up to the Festival of Tombs while also working as a free-standing adventure.
We have a lot of interesting stuff planned for this one, including a boxed set that includes everything you need to dive in. We're talking dice, map books, item and monster cards, and monster standees for combat. I plan on sharing more information - including the cover art - in a few months.