
The Festival of Tombs | A Solo D&D 5E Adventure

Created by T.A. Gray

The Festival of Tombs is a solo adventure for 5th Edition D&D that mixes story-based action with sandbox exploration - No DM needed.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Editing is done, layout is progressing
6 months ago – Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 12:37:44 PM

It took a little longer than I'd hoped, but the final proofreading is finished, and the manuscript is in the hands of our layout person. In fact, they have already been working on the graphic design elements and have laid out most of the prologue already. I'll drop another update once we have a good idea of when layout will wrap up, but as soon as it does the PDF will be ready to go!

Most of the other elements of the project are finished. We're putting some finishing touches on the standees and vtt tokens, and the map book is ready to go to the printer. We'll have our convertor get started on the Foundry VTT version as soon as the PDF is ready. 

Things should move fairly quickly now, and I'm excited to get this delivered to you! Below is a spread from the prologue so you can get a feel for what the interior will look like. 

March Update: Editing and Layout
7 months ago – Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 08:09:39 AM

Hi friends,

This will be a short update, but we're getting close to the end of the line! Editing is around 90 percent complete, and I hope to have it finished this weekend. It's mostly just cleaning up some grammatical issues, but it has taken longer than anticipated given how big this book has become. Did I mention the final product is closer to 340 pages, than the 250 or so we originally envisioned? Well, we've got a chonky adventure coming your way, and I'm really excited about it. 

In other positive news, our layout artist has already created the template for the book and laid out the first section. They'll be able to hit the ground running once I hand off the final manuscript. 

So what's left? We still have to have the dice manufactured, and work on VTT conversions can't start until the PDF is available, so there will be some bits and pieces coming through over the next month or two. But we're close on the PDF and will go straight into manufacturing the books when its ready! 

February Update: Editing Continues
8 months ago – Thu, Feb 22, 2024 at 08:44:30 AM

Hi friends,

Quick update today to let you know our current status. I'm in the midst of editing the book and hope to have that wrapped up within a few weeks. From there, we'll head into final layout of the book. Once layout is done we'll release the PDF and move forward with printing. We're getting close! 

In the meantime, we've just about wrapped up the map book. Below you can see a spread from the book, the spiral rings will run through the blurred areas in the center so that they do not block any of the playable space. 

Grizelda's Lost Journals, Beta Testing, and the Zombie Apocalypse
9 months ago – Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 11:53:18 AM

Hi friends,

We've got a few pieces of information for you today!

Grizelda's Lost Journals

If you picked up the Grizelda's Lost Journals PDF as an add-on, you'll find it in your BackerKit digital files. You should also have received an email from BackerKit about the download being available. If you remember, this is a collection of player options (and a new monster) that didn't make the cut for our previous book, Grizelda's Guide to Ghost Hunting. Enjoy!

Beta Testing

The extended beta testing has been a blessing, and we are thankful for those of you who put in a lot of time pointing out errors or asking for clarification when we didn't realize it was needed. As a whole, this process will result in a very smooth experience. I'm excited to announce we're concluding the beta test, and will be moving forward into editing! Once we get close to the end of the proofreading process, I'll lay out the next steps.

Zander's Guide to Zombie Hunting is Coming

Our next Kickstarter campaign - likely our major project for the year - is launching in March! Zander's Guide to Zombie Hunting is packed with everything you need to raise the dead or survive the zombie apocalypse in a 5E campaign. It includes tons of new player options, including our first custom class - The Animist - designed by Ben Huffman. Ben is best known for designing the popular Pugilist class, and I'm excited about what he's working on for us. Additionally, the project will include:

  • New subclasses
  • New spells
  • New magical items
  • A new lineage: The Bitten
  • A zombie bestiary
  • Adventure hooks
  • A guide to building a zombie apocalypse campaign

You can follow our prelaunch page now and be the first to get notified on launch. 

Check Out Our Prelaunch Page

Beta Test is Live
10 months ago – Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 08:57:51 AM

Hi friends!

The beta test is live. We'll run this for two weeks, consider feedback, and then move forward with the printing process. I've just hit the button to make both the map pack and the beta PDF available to you. Keep in mind this PDF is not hyperlinked and does not have any of the art included with it. You should receive an email from BackerKit shortly. 

Want to Give Feedback?

We'd love to hear any feedback you have to offer. Click the link below to join our discord server and discuss it in our dedicated beta test channel. We're happy for any feedback, but especially appreciate any heads up on gamebreaking stuff like page cord errors, etc. 

Join Our Discord to Discuss the Playtest and Give Feedback!