Brief Update + New Logo
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 09:11:56 AM
Hey friends,
Brief update to say thank you for the support! We are currently fine-tuning the book and will start final playtesting during the last stretch of the campaign. I'll also be updating the campaign FAQ based on the questions we've been getting over the last few days. We're excited to get this in your hands!
New Scoundrel Game Labs Logo
This isn't directly related to the project, but I'm excited to share the new logo for Scoundrel Game labs. Let us know what you think!
Other Projects We Love
Our friend Jeff has a new project that is wrapping up in a few days!
Weapons of Legend is a 5E supplement containing 80 magical weapons to add to your game.
Progression Rules. 40 of these weapons have progression rules, allowing a character to acquire the weapon early in their adventuring career and watch it progress in power as they complete tasks, finish quests, or as they gain experience.
Traditional Magic Weapons. The book also includes 40 traditional magical weapons which do not progress.
Fully Funded, and What's Next?
over 1 year ago
– Thu, Sep 14, 2023 at 08:49:04 PM
Thank you for your support! We're zooming towards 300 percent funded after just a couple days, and we very much appreciate your support. We'll keep the updates brief around here and then lay out our full schedule once the campaign ends. Along the way, we'll share some art and the cool city map that's almost finished. I also wanted to answer a question we've been getting a lot of about playing with more than one player.
Playing as Duo or a Full Party
We've gotten a lot of questions about using Festival of Tombs for two or more players. As was mentioned in the Kickstarter story, it is designed for a single player and a sidekick, but with a little creativity playing with two players is no problem. However, the sidekick that is included with the adventure plays a big part in the story. We recommend when playing with two characters to assume the sidekick is with you for story purposes while not participating in combat. We don't recommend going above two characters, as you will run into balancing issues.
Other Projects We Love
Our friend M.T. Black is back with another adventure! Old Town Saga is a 4- to 8-hour adventure for 1st- through 4th-level characters. The focus is on investigation, exploration, and roleplaying, but it includes several epic battles! This adventure has been thoroughly play-tested, requires minimal preparation to run, and can be easily used with any Fifth Edition campaign!